DTB 27 August 15, 2015 It’s a game of chance she says-roll ze die, see where it goes……….no one knows! 1 sparks-this town ain’t big Listen
Lifeline 36 August 7, 2015 Sorry about the break! Needed a little holiday n all. Well I’m back with some new fun and games. Lots Listen
Lifeline 35 July 18, 2015 Dropping in a little late this week. I am back after a little live diversion and will be regularly assaulting Listen
DTB-26 July 10, 2015 a rHumBa rhuMba !!! MaKe My FuNK a P-FuNK….I wAntS tO gEt FUnked uP- befORe & aFteR thE gUnFire- thERe Listen
Chris Frankham July 3, 2015 To celebrate reaching 50 in 2004, Sundridge Park Mansion was booked. A black tie event, a menu of fish and Listen
DTB 22 June 5, 2015 Up a bit, Left a bit, Down a bit- FIRE… 1 The Who-I Can’t Explain 2 The Beazers-Blue Beat 3 Listen
DTB 25 June 5, 2015 Ride you devil-ride! agh……Thrill’s, Chill’s an Spill’s- The Circus is in town! It’s wild ya know, round n’ round they Listen
‘OUT ON A PEEL’ May 30, 2015 This week’s special mix is by Wireshaker-one of the original Friday night ‘Drop The Biscuit’ crew, celebrating the most influential, Listen
Roxy May 1, 2015 Roxy, along with Bowie were probably the 2 biggest influences on most people I knew, from the early- to mid Listen
Lifeline 33 April 24, 2015 Swerving left and right, trying to avoid the middle of the road. We may succeed in getting through this alive. Listen