4 blUes 4 A pOund
The Filth and the fury!
In 1976, England was a dark shade of grey. We had just come through the ruinous three-day week, with its attendant blackouts; we ate Wimpys, watched ‘On the Buses’, and hurried to the shops before they shut at five. Our rock music was dreary and pretentious, and our comedians told racist jokes on prime-time TV.
Punk Changed all that for our generation.
coCk sPArRow wE loVE yoU
wiRe doT dASh
tHe unDerToneS teEnAge kICks
slaughter aNd the DoGS whERe hAve aLL tHe BoOtbOys gOne
JohnNy moPed Incendary Device
jilted JoHN JilTed JoHn
uK sUBS ciD
aDam & tHe anTS chRIsTiaN DiOr
rAmOneS Rockaway Beach
riChaRd hELL blAnK gENerAtioN
tHe ruNAWys cHeRry bOMb
eLTon MotELlo jEt boY Jet gIRl
nEW yorK dOllS pErsonAlity cRIsiS
sEx pIStolS I WanNa bE me
gEnerAtioN X kiSs mE deaDly
tHE cLAsh I fOugHt tHe LaW
x-rAY sPEx genEntIc eNGineeRinG
rAPed EsCaLtor hAter
tHE rUtS BabYlOns buRninG
Patrick Fitzgerald safETy pIN stuCk iN my heARt
tHe dAMmed sMasH iT uP
fAtal mICroBes vioLEnce grOWs